Good morning! ECP was notified that an elementary student has tested postivie for the virus. The student has been on quarantine from an exposure that occurred outside of the school. No other students were affected due to the student being on quarantine. Please continue to wear masks, social distance and wash hands often.
Attention Seniors and Senior Parents: Sign up to get your FAFSA completed with Kirk Rushing from ECU on Friday, Nov. 13!!! This is the single most important step toward getting money for your post-secondary education!
Click the following link to view our ECPMS Newsletter for November.
Please read this letter from ECPHS Principal Greg Willis regarding Distance Learning over the next few weeks.
ECP Schools salutes the service of all of our nation's veterans! Thank you!
Tickets are on sale for the Sat 2:00 pm playoff FB game Cost is $7.00 apiece. Only OSSAA passes will be accepted. Come to HS Office 8AM-3PM Wed-Fri. Tickets will be sold at the gate.
In honor of Veteran's Day, the OSSAA is allowing all veterans and 1 guest free admission.
Good afternoon. Today, we were notified of two positive cases in the district. A high school student and the elementary sibling have tested positive. The administration is working to contact trace with those students. Please remember to wear masks, social distance and wash hands often.
Senior Parents: Kirk Rushing from ECU will be here on Friday, Nov. 13 to help you complete your FAFSA. Please sign up for an appointment time at the link below. These appointments will not be virtual, they will be in-person at the HS.
Time Change: in the Class A playoff, ECP will host OCA on Saturday, Nov. 14 at 2:00 pm. Afternoon football in Elmore City!
Football Playoff Bracket is out! The Badgers will host OCA Saturday night, 7:30 pm at Wheeler Field!
Good morning ECP! My goal is to always be transparent with our school and our community. This week both of my daughters tested positive for Covid-19. They were exposed last week and became postive this week. I have been in quarantine with them since they tested positive. Wednesday, I began having symptoms and was tested. I failed the rapid test but took another test thatt was sent to the lab. Today those results came back positive. I will follow the guidelines of the health department and I will quarantine the required 10 days from a postive test result. I ask everyone to please follow guidelines and wear masks, social distance, wash hands often and if you are not feeling well then please stay home and take precautions. Also, following quarantine guidelines are very important to stop the spread. Thank you for your patience during this difficult year. Have a great weekend. - Sheila Riddle
Bus routes will run at 12:30 pm
Due to the down power lines and no electricity at the schools, our buses will run at 12:30 p.m. Parents are being contacted to please come pick up their students from all campuses. Power lines are down across the street from the high school. Thank you.
We have experienced a loss of power at ECP schools and it will be quite some time before power is restored. Please come pick up students.
Good morning ECP! At this time we have 9 confirmed positive Covid-19 cases within the high school student population. This has affected 91 individuals within the district, sending them home for quarantine. Following the cases from yesterday, the decision has been made to transition all high school students to distance learning starting Monday, November 9 until after Thanksgiving Break. High school students will return to in-person learning on December 1. Both middle school and elementary school students will remain in-person. All indoor activities have been postponed for now. All outdoor activities will continue as scheduled. Please see attached letter for more information.
Junior Parents:
If you are interested in your student taking the PSAT, a national merit scholarship, please email Sheila Henry at The cost is $17.00 and must be paid by Dec 1. If there are enough participating then we will offer this test on Jan. 26.
Good evening. This evening a student that was exposed last week and has been on quarantine tested positive for Covid-19. We highly encourage wearing mask, washing hands, and social distancing whenever possible.
Our new photography company is awesome. Because some students were unable to take their pictures today. They will be back on Nov. 18th at 9:30 to photography any student we missed. This includes faculty and Seniors that need retakes. New Century Photography, Thank YOU!
Friday, Nov. 13th, Kirk Rushing will be here to help any Senior or their parent with the FAFSA process starting at 9 AM until finished.
Get the documents requested ready ASAP and remind you parents!!!! If you did not get a FAFSA packet, see Mrs. Henry ASAP.
Our HS Badger University class is taking a virtual visit to UCO today!