There will be no Basketball games tonight. Next games will be Thursday at Alex. JH and HS. Games start at 4:00.
about 4 years ago, David Cornforth
Good Morning ECP. For today's Wynnewood basketball games, MS buses will leave at 3:30. JH buses will leave at 5:45. Wynnewood has no restrictions on attendance to the games, they do recommend you wear a mask.
about 4 years ago, Greg Willis
For tomorrow's Wynnewood basketball games. MS buses will leave at 3:30. JH buses will leave at 5:45.
about 4 years ago, David Cornforth
BASKETBALL GAMES TUESDAY DECEMBER 15th vs Wynnewood have been postponed. We are searching for someone to replace them. We will reschedule the Wynnewood game for a future date if we can. We will update as soon as we know.
about 4 years ago, David Cornforth
Hello ECP! Late last night we were notified that a kindergarten student in the elementary has tested positive for Covid-19. All kindergarten staff and students have been notifed and will be sent home for quarantine and distance learning until after the Christmas Break. Please monitor your students for symptoms, which can include runny nose, congestion, vomitting, fever, loss of taste or smell. Stay safe!
about 4 years ago, Sheila Riddle
ECP Schools: Reminder: Gates will not open until 6:15 pm tonight for our first home basketball game. We will only use the main entrance, the back gate will not be open. Please review our guidelines, only two tickets per participant are allowed. Tickets were given to HS Athletes today at school.
about 4 years ago, Greg Willis
Seniors and Senior Parents: We need a baby photo. You may email it to but it must be in jpeg format and high resolution OR bring it to Mrs. Henry to be scanned. TODAY is the deadline!
about 4 years ago, Sheila Henry
Basketball Tickets are being sent home with HS Basketball Athletes today. Each Athlete gets 2 tickets each. If you have any questions, contact Greg Willis at the HS Office or email
about 4 years ago, Greg Willis
Important Covid-19 Guidelines and Attendance policies regarding Basketball games played at Elmore City-Pernell for the 2020-2021 Basketball Season.
about 4 years ago, Greg Willis
Check the school Facebook page for the ECP-Ryan HS basketball games starting at 6:30 pm.
about 4 years ago, Greg Willis
Lady Badgers and Badgers travel to Ryan tonight for our first basketball games of the season. Ryan has posted the following on their website: "We will do temp checks at the door and you will be required to wear a mask to enter. We ask that you leave your mask on in the lobby and in the gym. Please be respectful of those around you. Let’s protect our players and each other! Thank you for your cooperation and understanding."
about 4 years ago, Greg Willis
SOPHOMORES: All sophomores need to be at the high school at 8am tomorrow morning. This includes virtual students and A/B schedules. ALL sophomores. We will be back by 11.
about 4 years ago, Sheila Henry
Click the following link to read the December ECP MS Newsletter.
about 4 years ago, Angela Doss
"A Day" Sophs still need to come for field trip to Mid-America tomorrow morning, Thursday Dec. 10. Buses will leave at 8:15 AM. We are taking 2 buses to allow for social distancing, please wear a mask!
about 4 years ago, Greg Willis
Important Covid-19 Guidelines and Attendance policies regarding Basketball games played at Elmore City-Pernell for the 2020-2021 Basketball Season.
about 4 years ago, Greg Willis
Any middle school or junior high parent that attends the games at Walters tonight.....please email any pictures you take to shenry@ecpbadgers. com for the yearbook. Thank you
about 4 years ago, Sheila Henry
For those attending the MS/JH Basketball games at Walters tonight, we have just received these guidelines: Masks will be required to enter the gymnasium We encourage masks to be worn at all times unless eating or drinking. Masks will be required in the common areas (lobby & restrooms). If possible, sit in family groups The front row behind the team benches and score table will remain empty. Please social distance as much as possible Please be respectful and considerate of everyone in attendance ALL children must be in the bleachers. Spirit lines are not allowed Spectators are not allowed on the floor before or after the contests. Please exit the gymnasium as quickly as possible at the conclusion of the games.
about 4 years ago, Greg Willis
Senior Parents: Please send a baby photo of your senior to Mrs. Henry by Friday, Dec. 11th for the yearbook. Photo will be scanned and returned that day.
about 4 years ago, Sheila Henry
Tomorrows MS and JH games at Walters will not have any restrictions on number of fans. But you will need to wear your mask. MS boys and girls buses will leave at 2:45. JH girls bus will leave at 4:30, JH boys bus will leave at 5:00.
about 4 years ago, David Cornforth
Tonight’s Parade of Lights will include our High School Football Homecoming. All football players and cheerleaders 6-12 are welcome to ride the fire trucks with line up starting at 5:15 at the lake and parade beginning at 6:00. Coronation will follow the end of the parade at the stage on Main Street.
about 4 years ago, Greg Willis