Both JH teams will play for 3rd place on Saturday at Central Marlow. The JH girls play at 10:00 a.m. with the JH boys to follow at 11:00 a.m. Go Badgers!
Reminder: Tickets on sale now for Daddy/Daughter, Mother/Son dance on February 9 for grades PreK-5th grades. Tickets can be purchased at middle school from
Stacey McCaa, high school from Katie Milligan, or send to elementary office. $30 per couple- includes picture.
ECP Senior Basketball Week!
Sophomore and Junior Parents:
On Feb. 8th at 6:30 a Cameron University rep will be here to present information about concurrent enrollment regarding admission, price, classes offered and format and much more. Please come for the presentation!
ECP Senior Basketball Week!
Congratulations to both the JH girls and boys for winning their first games of the JH Oilfield Conference tournament at Central last night! Both teams will be in action on Thursday, February 1 with the boys playing at 5:00 p.m. and the girls playing at 6:00 p.m. Go Badgers!!
Elementary parents, please remember to turn in cookie dough orders ASAP. Thank you!
Congratulations to Clayton and Seth! They are our Badgers of the Week for the week of January 22. We are proud of you both!
The JH Boys will be leaving at 5pm today and playing at 7pm. We will be playing Empire in the (New Gym). It is the Conference Tournament @ Central Marlow. We will be the Home Team wearing our White Uniforms.
Basketball Senior Night at 6:00 p.m. on February 2!
ECP Events for January 29-February 3
The ECP Badgers brought home the win tonight over Ringling! Congrats to the HS boys! Go Badgers!!
Congratulations to Coach Larry Lewis and the HS Powerlifting team! Go Badgers!!
Dibble H.S powerlifting results:
123 lb. Class - Ivan Gonzalez 3rd place. 145 lb. Class Cameron Thorn 8th place. 157 lb. Class Dawson Milligan 5th place. 168 lb. Class Izzy Robinson 6th place Hunter Howard 8th place. 275 lb. Class Will Chappell 4th place. HWT class Blake Airington 8th place. Team was 6th out of 16 teams.
Basketball Senior Night - 6:00 p.m. on February 2!
Congratulations to the MS boys & JH girls on defeating the Ringling Blue Devils this evening!! Go Badgers!!
The JH Badger Powerlifting team brought home hardware today!! All 17 athletes placed in the top 5! The list of awards are below. Way to go Badgers!!
Elementary parents, cookie dough orders are due tomorrow! Please send order forms and payment with your child tomorrow. Online orders are still available as well. Thank you for your support!
Congratulations to Coach Harrell and his JH Powerlifting Girls!! Gentri Condit 1st in 136 weight class, Madison Wright 3rd in 150 weight class, Kailee Smith 3rd in 121 weight class, Aubree Gonzales was 5th in 108 weight class, Cadence Ezzell 9th in 150 weight class and Haley Bennett 9th in HW class at the Dibble Powerlifting Meet. Go Badgers!!
Updates to the JH Basketball Schedule - The JH Basketball teams will participate in the JH Oilfield Conference Tournament at Central High on Monday, January 29; Thursday, February 1 and Saturday, February 3. Brackets have been added to the website and are attached below.
Splitting wins tonight, the Lady Badgers defeated Central Marlow 53-39! The Badgers came up short against the Bronchos. Next games will be Friday night at Ringling. Go Badgers!